How to Find Freelance Clients: Strategies and Resources

Freelancing is a great way to work for yourself, earn money and enjoy more flexibility and freedom. But freelancing also comes with a challenge: finding clients.

Finding freelance clients is not easy, especially when you are starting out. You have to compete with other freelancers, market yourself effectively and build trust with potential clients.

But don’t worry, it’s not impossible. There are many strategies and resources you can use to find freelance clients and grow your business. In this blog post, we will share with you some of the best ways to find freelance clients in 2023.

How to Find Freelance Clients: Strategies

Here are some of the most effective strategies you can use to find freelance clients:

Leverage freelance platforms

One of the easiest ways to find freelance clients is to use online platforms that connect freelancers with clients. These platforms allow you to create a profile, showcase your portfolio, browse and apply for jobs and get paid securely.

Some of the most popular freelance platforms are:

  • Upwork: Upwork is one of the largest and most diverse freelance platforms in the world. You can find jobs in various categories such as web development, graphic design, writing, marketing, accounting and more.
  • Fiverr: Fiverr is a platform where you can offer your services for a fixed price starting from $5. You can create gigs in various categories such as logo design, video editing, voice-over, translation and more.
  • Indeed: Indeed is a platform where you can find both full-time and freelance jobs in various industries and locations. You can upload your resume, search for jobs and apply directly on the platform.

Utilize social media

Social media is another powerful way to find freelance clients. You can use social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to network with potential clients, share your work, promote your services and build your personal brand.

Some of the best practices for using social media to find freelance clients are:

  • Create a professional and consistent profile across different platforms
  • Optimize your profile with relevant keywords, skills and achievements
  • Join groups and communities related to your niche and engage with other members
  • Share valuable content such as tips, insights, case studies or testimonials
  • Showcase your portfolio and link to your website or blog
  • Reach out to potential clients via direct messages or comments

Get referrals

Referrals are one of the most effective ways to find freelance clients. Referrals are when someone recommends you to someone else who needs your services. Referrals can come from various sources such as:

  • Existing or past clients: You can ask your satisfied clients to refer you to their network or leave you a positive review or testimonial
  • Friends or family: You can ask your friends or family members who know someone who needs your services to introduce you or vouch for you
  • Colleagues or mentors: You can ask your former coworkers, bosses or mentors who are familiar with your work to recommend you or endorse you
  • Other freelancers: You can network with other freelancers in your niche or complementary fields and exchange referrals or collaborate on projects

To get more referrals, you need to:

  • Deliver high-quality work that exceeds your client’s expectations
  • Communicate clearly and politely with your client throughout the project
  • Follow up with your client after the project is completed and ask for feedback
  • Ask for referrals politely and offer incentives such as discounts or freebies
  • Thank your referrer and keep them updated on the progress

Network online and offline

Networking is another essential way to find freelance clients. Networking is when you connect with other people who can help you grow your business. Networking can happen both online and offline.

Some of the best ways to network online are:

  • Join online forums and groups related to your niche or industry
  • Participate in online events such as webinars, workshops or conferences
  • Comment on blogs or podcasts that are relevant to your niche or industry
  • Follow and interact with influencers or experts in your niche or industry

Some of the best ways to network offline are:

  • Attend local events such as meetups, seminars or trade shows
  • Join local organizations or associations related to your niche or industry
  • Volunteer for causes or projects that are related to your niche or industry
  • Print and distribute business cards or flyers with your contact information

To network effectively, you need to:

  • Be genuine and friendly
  • Offer value and help
  • Listen and ask questions
  • Follow up and stay in touch

How to Find Freelance Clients: Resources

Here are some of the best resources you can use to find freelance clients:

Websites and blogs

Websites and blogs are great sources of information and inspiration for finding freelance clients. You can learn from the experiences and tips of other successful freelancers, as well as find opportunities and leads for freelance work.

Some of the best websites and blogs for finding freelance clients are:

  • Foundr: Foundr is a website that provides content, courses and community for entrepreneurs and freelancers. You can find articles, podcasts, videos and guides on topics such as how to get clients, how to grow your business, how to manage your finances and more.
  • Millo: Millo is a website that helps freelancers and solopreneurs build profitable and fulfilling businesses. You can find articles, podcasts, newsletters and resources on topics such as how to find clients, how to price your services, how to market yourself and more.
  • Half Half Travel: Half Half Travel is a website that helps freelancers and digital nomads travel the world while working remotely. You can find articles, guides, courses and tools on topics such as how to find clients, how to work from anywhere, how to balance work and travel and more.


Podcasts are another great source of information and inspiration for finding freelance clients. You can listen to podcasts on your phone, computer or any other device while you are working, commuting or relaxing.

Some of the best podcasts for finding freelance clients are:

  • The Freelancer’s Show: The Freelancer’s Show is a podcast that covers topics related to freelancing such as finding clients, managing projects, setting rates, dealing with contracts and more. You can listen to interviews, discussions and stories from experienced freelancers and experts.
  • The Six Figure Freelancer Podcast: The Six Figure Freelancer Podcast is a podcast that teaches you how to build a six-figure freelance business. You can listen to interviews, tips and strategies from successful freelancers who share their secrets on how to find clients, how to charge more, how to scale your business and more.
  • Freelance to Founder Podcast: Freelance to Founder Podcast is a podcast that tells the stories of freelancers who have scaled their businesses into something bigger than themselves. You can listen to inspiring stories of entrepreneurs who share their challenges, successes and lessons learned on how to find clients, how to grow your team, how to create a brand and more.


Courses are another great resource for finding freelance clients. You can enroll in courses that teach you the skills, strategies and techniques for finding freelance clients in various niches and industries.

Some of the best courses for finding freelance clients are:

  • How To Get Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide To Landing High-Paying Clients: This course will teach you how to get high-paying clients in any niche or industry. You will learn how to identify your ideal client, how to craft a compelling value proposition, how to create a winning proposal, how to close the deal and more.
  • How To Find Your First Paying Clients As A Freelancer: This course will teach you how to find your first paying clients as a freelancer. You will learn how to define your services, how to create a portfolio, how to use online platforms, how to network effectively, how to pitch your services and more.
  • How To Find And Win High-Quality Clients As A Freelancer: This course will teach you how to find and win high-quality clients as a freelancer. You will learn how to research your market, how to position yourself as an expert, how to use social media, how to get referrals, how to negotiate your rates and more.


Finding freelance clients is not easy, but it’s not impossible either. There are many strategies and resources you can use to find freelance clients and grow your business.

The key is to be proactive, persistent and professional. You need to market yourself effectively, showcase your skills and value, network with potential clients and deliver quality work.

By following the tips and techniques in this blog post, you will be able to find freelance clients in 2023.

The Importance of Contracts and Agreements for Freelancers

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