The Art of Freelance Negotiation: Getting the Best Deals

Freelancing is a great way to work for yourself, earn money and enjoy more flexibility and freedom. But freelancing also requires a skill that many freelancers struggle with: negotiation.

Negotiation is the process of reaching an agreement with another party on the terms and conditions of a deal. Negotiation is essential for freelancers because it determines how much they get paid, how long they work, what they deliver and how they deal with issues.

Negotiation is not easy, especially when you are competing with other freelancers, dealing with different clients and facing various challenges. But negotiation is not impossible either. There are strategies and techniques you can use to negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer.

In this blog post, we will share with you some of the best ways to master the art of freelance negotiation and get the best deals.

How to Negotiate Better and Higher Rates as a Freelancer: Strategies

Here are some of the most effective strategies you can use to negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer:

Do your research

Before you enter into a negotiation, you need to do your homework. You need to research the following:

  • Your client: You need to know who your client is, what their needs are, what their budget is, what their expectations are and what their pain points are. You also need to know how they communicate, what their decision-making process is and what their negotiation style is.
  • Your market: You need to know what the market rate is for your services, what your competitors are charging, what your unique value proposition is and what your differentiators are. You also need to know what the demand and supply are for your services and how they affect your pricing.
  • Your value: You need to know what your skills, experience and achievements are, how they benefit your client, how they solve their problems and how they justify your rates. You also need to know what your goals, needs and preferences are and how they align with your client’s.

Doing your research will help you prepare for the negotiation, position yourself as an expert, showcase your value and justify your rates.

Build rapport

Before you start negotiating, you need to build rapport with your client. Rapport is the feeling of trust, understanding and connection that you establish with another person. Rapport is important for freelancers because it helps them create a positive impression, communicate effectively, influence their client and reach a win-win outcome.

To build rapport with your client, you need to:

  • Make it personal: You need to show interest in your client as a person, not just as a business partner. You need to find common ground, share something about yourself, use humor and be friendly.
  • Listen actively: You need to listen attentively to your client’s words, tone and body language. You need to ask open-ended questions, paraphrase what they say, reflect their emotions and show empathy.
  • Provide value: You need to provide value to your client before asking for anything in return. You need to offer helpful advice, insights or resources that can help them achieve their goals or solve their problems.

Building rapport with your client will help you create a relationship of trust, respect and cooperation that will facilitate the negotiation process.

Negotiate value, not price

One of the biggest mistakes that freelancers make when negotiating is focusing on price instead of value. Price is the amount of money that you charge for your services. Value is the benefit that your services provide to your client.

Focusing on price can lead to a lose-lose situation where you either lower your rates to match your client’s budget or lose the deal altogether. Focusing on value can lead to a win-win situation where you justify your rates based on the value that you deliver and satisfy your client’s needs.

To negotiate value instead of price, you need to:

  • Highlight your value proposition: You need to explain clearly how your services can help your client achieve their goals or solve their problems. You need to use specific examples, case studies or testimonials that demonstrate your results and impact.
  • Quantify your value: You need to measure and communicate the value that you deliver in terms of numbers or metrics that matter to your client. For example, you can show how much money you can save them, how much revenue you can generate for them, how much time you can save them or how much quality you can improve for them.
  • Compare your value: You need to compare your value with the alternatives that your client has, such as hiring another freelancer, doing it themselves or doing nothing. You need to show how your value is superior, unique or different from the others and why your client should choose you.

Negotiating value instead of price will help you justify your rates, increase your perceived worth and create a win-win outcome.

Be confident and assertive

One of the most important factors that influence the outcome of a negotiation is your confidence and assertiveness. Confidence is the belief that you have in yourself and your abilities. Assertiveness is the ability to express your opinions, needs and preferences in a respectful and direct way.

Being confident and assertive will help you negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer because it will:

  • Enhance your credibility and authority
  • Increase your bargaining power and leverage
  • Prevent you from being taken advantage of or manipulated
  • Help you overcome objections and challenges
  • Help you close the deal faster and easier

To be confident and assertive, you need to:

  • Know your worth: You need to recognize and appreciate your skills, experience and achievements and how they benefit your client. You need to avoid self-doubt, impostor syndrome or undercharging.
  • Know your boundaries: You need to know what your minimum acceptable rate is, what your deal-breakers are and what you are willing to compromise on. You need to avoid desperation, discounting or overdelivering.
  • Know your communication style: You need to use clear, concise and confident language that conveys your value, expectations and requests. You need to avoid vague, ambiguous or apologetic language that undermines your position.

Being confident and assertive will help you negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer.

How to Negotiate Better and Higher Rates as a Freelancer: Resources

Here are some of the best resources that you can use to improve your negotiation skills and get the best deals as a freelancer:

Websites and blogs

Websites and blogs are great sources of information and inspiration for learning how to negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer. You can find articles, guides, tips and stories from experts and successful freelancers who share their negotiation secrets and experiences.

Some of the best websites and blogs for learning how to negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer are:

  • Harvard Business Review: Harvard Business Review is a website that provides content on various topics related to business, management and leadership. You can find articles, podcasts, videos and books on topics such as how to negotiate as a freelancer, how to overcome negotiation challenges, how to negotiate value and more.
  • Freelancing Girl: Freelancing Girl is a website that helps female freelancers build profitable and fulfilling businesses. You can find articles, courses, resources and tools on topics such as how to negotiate freelance rates, how to deal with difficult clients, how to increase your income and more.
  • Negotiation Experts: Negotiation Experts is a website that offers training, coaching and consulting on negotiation skills. You can find articles, podcasts, videos and courses on topics such as how to prepare for a negotiation, how to use negotiation strategies, how to close a deal and more.


Podcasts are another great source of information and inspiration for learning how to negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer. You can listen to podcasts on your phone, computer or any other device while you are working, commuting or relaxing.

Some of the best podcasts for learning how to negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer are:

  • Negotiate Anything: Negotiate Anything is a podcast that teaches you how to negotiate anything with anyone. You can listen to interviews, tips and stories from experts and successful negotiators who share their insights on how to negotiate better deals, relationships and outcomes.
  • The Freelancer’s Show: The Freelancer’s Show is a podcast that covers topics related to freelancing such as finding clients, managing projects, setting rates, dealing with contracts and more. You can listen to interviews, discussions and stories from experienced freelancers who share their advice on how to negotiate better rates as a freelancer.
  • The Six Figure Freelancer Podcast: The Six Figure Freelancer Podcast is a podcast that teaches you how to build a six-figure freelance business. You can listen to interviews, tips and strategies from successful freelancers who share their secrets on how to find clients, how to charge more, how to scale your business and more.


This course will teach you how to negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer. You will learn how to research your client and market, how to communicate your value, how to overcome objections and challenges, how to close the deal and more.

  • Negotiation Fundamentals: This course will teach you the fundamentals of negotiation. You will learn how to prepare for a negotiation, how to use negotiation strategies and tactics, how to handle emotions and ethics, how to create value and reach agreement and more.
  • Negotiation Mastery: This course will teach you how to master the art and science of negotiation. You will learn how to analyze complex negotiation scenarios, how to apply advanced negotiation techniques, how to leverage your strengths and weaknesses, how to negotiate in different contexts and cultures and more.


Negotiation is a vital skill for freelancers who want to get the best deals for their services. Negotiation can help freelancers increase their income, improve their relationships and grow their business.

To negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer, you need to use effective strategies such as doing your research, building rapport, negotiating value and being confident and assertive. You also need to use helpful resources such as websites, blogs, podcasts and courses that can teach you how to negotiate better and higher rates as a freelancer.

By following the tips and techniques in this blog post, you will be able to master the art of freelance negotiation and get the best deals.

Freelance Consulting: Steps to Launching Your Practice

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